Monday, December 31, 2012

The Power of ONE (Change the World)

I used to think that I was doing a great job teaching if I could just touch one of my student's lives. If I could impact their life in a positive way or help them make a break through in their learning, or help them realize the greatness inside of them. If I could really help one student then I was doing a good job, I had served my purpose. But I've learned that touching only one child is not good enough. I was not called only to help one child. God called me to help every single child that sits in my classroom in some way. It may be a huge difference or even a small difference but it is my purpose to impact and inspire all of my students. God has called me for so much more. Now that a new year is upon me I reflect on something else I used to believe.

My motto used to be that I'm not trying to change the world, I just trying to change someone's world. Well once again I've discovered that this is not good enough. God didn't call me to be just "good enough". He called me to do great things. He has placed a purpose in my life to make a BIG impact not only to the people around me but the world. God does not just give me "good enough". He gives me His best all of the time. So I must demand the best out of myself. I must stop settling for just "good enough" and work harder to achieve greatness. No longer is it just ok that I change someone's world but now I'm claiming that I want to change the world! I want my life to be an example for this generation and the generations to come. I want my work to last even after I have left this earth.

God has placed this greatness in all of us. But life happens and it forces us to, dare I say it, settle sometimes. We settle because its easier than taking that risk. We settle because what God has called us to just seems too hard or will require us to go too far out of our comfort zone. Well I don't know about you but I don't want my life to be a story where all I do is settle for "good enough". God demands more of me so I must start demanding more of myself. I must start living for my purpose and on purpose. I know this will require a lot from me. It will require a lot of sacrifices, times that I will be uncomfortable, and afraid. But God didn't call me to comfortable all of the time. He has called me to be great. Well with a great call requires greater faith!

No longer will I say I'm just trying to change someone's world...nope! I am going to change the world!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Transition to Transformation: Tribute to Granny

This is the tribute I spoke at my Granny's home going service. God spoke this word into me while I was still in college, but I never shared it with anyone. The few days after my Granny took her last breath God placed this in my spirit again. I think it is very appropriate for the occasion. Its a word not just to honor the memory and life of my Granny, but a charge to the ones she left behind. I hope this will minister to you as it still is ministering to me...

I watched my Granny make her final transition. Over the course of two weeks I watched as she kept her faith despite of the pain and discomfort. She was still praising God and surrendering to His will. She kept saying, “Your Will be done.” She praised Him and trusted that He would keep her and soon bring her to be with Him in Heaven. Even in her last hours of life she was whispering sweet praises to God and lifting up her hands in adoration. That was such a beautiful and comforting moment to witness. It gives me hope because Granny made the ultimate transition. The transition that we are all working for and will make one day.
But while we still have breath in our bodies God is calling all of us young and old and everyone in between to make transitions. God is calling us to make spiritual life transitions. A transition is making a great move in order to reach wholeness and to grow into the image of God. I believe God is calling us to make a transition whether it be mental, physical, emotional, or in our spiritual relationship with Him. BUT we can be certain of this about transitions. They do not allow us to stay in the same place. We can fight them all we want, but it will let us know, "I am here," and until we transition to the expected state, we will be miserable.
Before we can make this transition God is calling us to surrender our all to His will. To allow Him to move us so we may see His will being done in our lives. If we are holding on to any part of our agenda the transition cannot fully take place. We are an ever changing and evolving people. In order to grow up in God’s image we must change and make transitions.
I know it can be scary and uncomfortable but Granny demonstrated an amazing example of transitioning despite that fear and discomfort. She was never afraid. She surrendered to God’s will for her life the entire time. There are many great excuses to stay in our nice comfortable box. Excuses like the Fear of the unknown or the path God is calling us to take is just too unclear. Most times when we approach God, we want Him to give us a clear picture of what our lives should be [Before I relocate, I need to know where I will work, how much I will make, and what my house will look like, etc.]. There is nothing wrong with this expectation, except God tells us in Genesis 12:1 to, "Go to a land I will show you," and not a land I have shown you. And in Matthew 4:19 He tells us to "Follow me and I will make you fishers or men," not follow me because I have made you fishers of men. The picture becomes clearer as we follow.
Another great excuse we like using is the timing is all wrong. We often approach life with an attitude of, "It needs to feel right" before we can make that change. However, I’m sure we all can say that we have yet to come across a situation in our lives where the timing felt 100% right. In Ecclesiastes 3:11 God says "In His time, He makes all things beautiful," not our time. The timing is never going to be just right…for us. That’s why it’s important we realize it’s not about our timing but about God’s timing. Nothing in this world is going to come or happen at the exact right time. But we must do things in God’s time and not our own. We all would have liked for Granny to be with us just a little while longer. Maybe until her 93rd birthday in December but that wasn’t God’s plan.
The assignment that God is calling us to might seem too daunting. In order for us to say yes to this calling it would mean we would have to give up too much, make sacrifices, and decisions that will require a lot. So do we settle for good enough because it doesn’t require us to give too much or reveal our vulnerabilities? Guess what? We will never know what tomorrow is going to bring but does that mean we stop making plans for the future? Will we continue to settle for a life that is comfortable and predictable? Never taking a God risk? Never stepping out on faith? If we stay in our comfort zone then we will never fully know what it means to trust God. Is that reality worth it to ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit and not allow Him to transition us to greatness?
We must practice blind trust during this transitioning time. A transition does not mean we won’t be confused or feel lost or scared. These are all expected. In fact, it is when we are feeling like this when God is able to do the most work in our lives. Why? Because we are completely open. We are the most vulnerable during this time. It is hard to truly reach us when everything is going our way. During this time All He is asking is for us is to believe in His word. In Jeremiah 29:11 God gives us a word of hope, "I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you a hope and an expected end.” God is going to bring us to an expected end. He is going to bring us to an end we all hope for. So why worry during this transition time. God is calling for some amazing faith during this time! May we not miss God in His transitions.
So family and friends be encouraged! The transition is meant to transform us! God is calling us to something higher. God is trying to transform our lives. Granny surrendered to His will so she has transitioned from this Earthly body. She has endured much and still kept the faith. She has made her final transition of life. Now she is receiving her reward. She is being transformed to dewell with our Heavenly Father for all eternity. Never having to feel any more pain or hurt or sadness. To be free and enveloped in His love. Surrender to His will today for your life. Allow God to transition you in heart, body, mind, and spirit. So we may too be transformed. While we are still living and breathing on this earth. God is calling, He is trying to transition you. Will you allow Him to transform you?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Undivided Attention

"Please give me your undivided attention!"
At the beginning of each of my lessons I request that my students give me their undivided attention. That means every part of their body should be focused on me. Their eyes should be on me. So wherever I move their eyes must follow. Their ears should be focused on me. That means they should be listening to every thing I am saying. Their hands and other body parts should be focused on me. That means nothing should be in their hands like a pencil. They should not be playing with anything inside, under, or on top of their desk. And most importantly they should be thinking about the things I am showing them. Third grade is a crucial time for my students because they are expected to demonstrate all that they have learned on a state test. If they do not pass the test then they will have to go to summer school and possibly be retained.

God expects the same focus from us. He demands our undivided attention. Every part of us should be focused on Him. He is trying to speak to us and show us something during this season. So the only way we won't miss what He is saying and what He is doing is by giving Him our undivided attention.

1. Eyes
We must focus on God with our eyes. Some of my students love to say "I'm listening" when I ask them for their undivided attention even if they aren't looking at me. They may be listening to me and the things I'm saying, but the majority of my teaching (if not all) is me modeling a skill or strategy that they are going to use during their work period. So it is extremely important that look at what I am doing.
God demands the same from us. He wants our eyes focused on what He is doing. God is sending us signs and signals and if we aren't focused on these things we will not know what to do when it's time for our work period. He is modeling how we should live. He is demonstrating the skill and strategy we will need in order to be successful in our work period. Our work period is when we demonstrate what God has already modeled for us. We aren't able to be successful if our eyes are focused on something or someone else.
Sometimes its difficult to hear God, so we must look at His movements. He is trying to show us the next move, so we must focus on Him with our eyes.

2. Ears
Sometimes I start a lesson and some of my students are talking to a neighbor. If they are talking to a neighbor they can't hear what I am saying. They are too focused on their conversation to hear what I am saying. So I stop talking and wait until they realize that the lesson is beginning and for them to stop talking. Sometimes they quickly notice that I have stopped talking and give me their attention. Sometimes I have to call their name and tell them to be quiet so they can hear what I am saying.
God behaves in the same manner. Many times He is ready to begin our life lesson but we can't hear His voice because we are too busy talking to someone else. Sometimes we seek an answer from everyone else but we never go to God in prayer for an answer. So, what does He do, He stops talking and sometimes we realize that He is waiting for us to be quiet and listen. But sometimes He has to call our name to get our attention. He says for us to come to Him in prayer. Lay down our burdens to Him.
Sometimes when I am explaining a concept some of my students like to jump in and tell me what they know and talk over me. So I have to explain to them that if they want to say something they must raise their hand and wait to be called on first. But they need to just need to be quiet and listen to me first. I am interested in what they have to say, but sometimes they just need to sit quietly and listen to the expert.
God is our expert! A lot of times when we go to Him and prayer we try to do all the talking. But sometimes He just wants us to Be still and know. Just sit still and allow Him to speak. He is the expert. He is interested in what we have to say, but we have said enough. Now its time to listen to what He has to say.

3. Hands (And Other Body Parts)
Many times my students will sit and play with things in their desk while I am teaching. This really drives me crazy. Because I know they are so focused on what they are playing with that all of their attention is going to playing and not listening and learning. So I will quietly walk by and take away whatever they are playing with. Many times I don't even miss a beat in what I'm saying. But they know that Ms. Williams is serious and they better focus on the lesson.
God works in a similar way. When He is trying to get our attention, He will remove distractions from our view and our hands. He will close doors and remove people and situations from our life so we can focus all of our energy on what He is saying. Many times He doesn't miss a beat. It may be hard at first but in the end we know that this is only for our good. He knows that we can't hear Him and see Him when our hands (and other body parts) are focused on other things. So He removes and blocks the distractions.

God is calling out to you. He is calling you by name. He has something to show you, tell you, and prepare you for. So we must give Him our undivided attention. Our focus must be on Him and Him alone. We must remove all of the distractions from our view so we can hear and see all that He is trying to tell us and show us. God is our teacher in this class called life. He is preparing us for the ultimate exam. He is showing us strategies and skills we will need to be successful.
But we must give Him our undivided attention. We cannot divided our attention between God and other gods. When we give some of our attention to little g's (gods) then we leave room for the enemy to lead us down the wrong path and we miss out on what God has for us.

He's calling you. He's calling you. Tell me what are you going to do. Your time has come for life brand new. He is calling you.
Will you give Him all of your attention?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Don't worry, it's just a test.

Many of you have been following my progress and adventure teaching state side. Recently I found out that I would have to transfer to another school in the district after spending one week with my class. But thankfully, God made a way and I found out that I will no longer have to uproot and move to another school and start my year all over again. So, it is final. I will be staying at Pleasantdale teaching the 3rd grade!!!

Although I am extremely happy and pleased with how things worked out, I can't help but remember how confusing and hard it was when I first got the notice that I might leave. In fact, as I reflect on the past months of my life I can't help but notice that I have been faced with many confusing and hard times. Ever since this year began I have been faced with many confusing and hard times. I noticed that they all had a common thread: they were all very unexpected but they didn't destroy me. They were all a test. God has been sending test after test ever since the year began.

The first test came with the delay of my trip to South Africa. I am sure all of you remember that wonderful snow storm that impacted the entire Southeast. Well it was fun and pretty for about one day. But after about a week of being trapped in my house and the entire state being shut down it got very annoying. But the worst part was it kept the mail from being delivered and from me receiving my travel VISA inside my passport. This delayed my trip three times! Three times I had to change my flight. Three times I had to push back my departure date. Many nights I cried myself to sleep asking, "Why God". My blood pressure was very high and I did not know why my trip was being delayed. I did not understand why God was allowing all of this to happen, when He already made a way financially and physically for me to go to South Africa. He already ordained it and told me I could go, so why was He keeping me from going. A test.
Well all of you know how it ended. I finally received my passport back and I boarded a plane headed to South Africa which would be the most amazing and mind blowing trip and experience of my young life.

The second test came a few weeks after I returned to the states. I went to visit my boyfriend at the time and come to find out he enjoyed the time apart a little too much. So he broke it off a few weeks before the most exciting time in my life which was graduating for college. I did not understand why. I felt like my heart was falling to pieces and I just couldn't understand why God was allowing this to happen. Especially at a time when I needed him and I wanted to share this amazing time with him. (Then to find out a few months later after we broke up that he is engaged to be married?!) A test.
Well I prayed for strength to push aside the hurt and confusion that was weighing me down, so I could enjoy and celebrate all of my accomplishments.

The third test came that summer. I graduated from college. I received my degree and my certification, but now it was time to obtain what I was working for the last four years of college: a J-O-B. This was much easier said than done. I had been applying for positions even before I returned from overseas. I even told myself that I wanted to have a job before graduation. This was not the case at all! I had applied to almost every adjoining county in the state. I had sent out resumes and went to job fairs. I had visited schools. I had people telling me they would put in a good word for me and talk to their contacts in the districts I was applying for. Finally I received a call about an interview. I went in for the interview and in my opinion it went very well. I had a great feeling about the principal and the school and I was confident that I would receive an offer. A week went by with no reply. Then I found out that the school I interviewed for was not a good place to be and I was told in so many words that, "The principal was crazy." Now I was feeling even more confused. I thought this was where God wanted me to be and He was going to bless me with this job. I was confused and almost to the point if I was ever going to get hired. A test.
Then I got the phone call that changed everything. I was called for another interview for another school. I went in and interviewed with the outgoing principal and the new principal. The interview went well and I felt confident about the possibility of being hired. A few days later I received the best phone call ever! They offered me the job!!!

You all know about the next test. When I was told the first week of school that I would have to take down all of the things in my classroom. Say goodbye to my wonderful class and colleagues, and transfer to a new school I knew nothing about and readjust to a new atmosphere. Once again I was confused and I didn't know what to think. I thought God wanted me to be at Pleasantdale. He made a way for me. He blessed me with a great school, great students, great administration. I couldn't ask for much more. A test!

Test after test after test. All of these tests were completely unexpected. They left me confused and hurt. I almost wanted to throw in the towel and give up but God reminded me of something: Don't worry, it's just a test.

These prophetic words are words that I share with my students all the time. Because of the nature of the data driven education system we are constantly testing. Each time the tests are unexpected for my students. A lot of the material leave them confused and hurt. They don't understand why we have to have so many tests throughout the year. They are hard and very stressful. But at the end of the day they have to know that it's only a test. They will not be destroyed. I use the test results to measure how much they already know or have learned from previous grades and to help me plan how and what I will teach them.

God does the same for us. He sends us many tests. Sometimes one after the other. They are hard and confusing and unexpected. They leave us hurt and asking "why?". But He reminds us that they are only a test. He is only trying to collect some data. He is trying to figure out how much we have learned and grown from past lessons. And then to determine what He needs to teach us and show us in the future. Tests are not meant to destroy us. They are only meant to make us better. They show us what we have learned and what we need to work on. In my case, trust, faith, forgiveness, and learning to appreciate His blessings. They are not meant to destroy us but to make us grow. All I know is God is working on something AMAZING for my life because He has been testing me like crazy. Even thrown in a few pop quizzes! He is preparing me for the next level and I must be ready. The next level doesn't have room for certain people in my life anymore. The next level requires bold and consistent faith and trust. The next level is coming and God is getting me ready. But as more and more hard times come remember one thing:
Don't worry, it's just a test.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Best is Yet to Come

The adventure is not over! It did not end when I crossed the Atlantic Ocean and returned to the comfort of my home. It is just beginning.

Here are a few updates for those who are still following my adventure!

-I graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelors of Science in Education!!!
-I spent almost two months job hunting and trusting God for a teaching position.
-I got hired to teach the 4th grade at Pleasantdale Elementary School in Dekalb County.
-Two weeks before school started I got a notice that I was no longer going to teacher the 4th grade but instead I would be teaching the 3rd grade. (Still super excited!)
-I spent a week of preplanning with my other third grade teachers and staff members, preparing my classroom and heart and mind to receive my students.
-First day of school, I met 15 wonderful smiling faces eager to learn and to excited to start a new year.
-First Wednesday of the new school year, I get news that our school was 150 students below our projections for the new year. This means we have too many teachers and not enough students while other schools are dealing with the opposite. They have too many students and not enough teachers.
-Wednesday afternoon, my principal and vice-principal call me into their office and inform me since I was the last teacher to be hired at my school that I was first on the list to be transferred to one of the schools that were in dire need of teachers.
-Wednesday afternoon, I was in shock, confused, angry, sad, and wondering why this was happening to me. It is my first year teaching, first week teaching and now I learn that I have to pack up my classroom and transfer to a new school. New students, new principal, new staff members, new location. All I could think was "Why God? Why now, why me?"
I was bonding with my students, finding myself in that classroom, becoming content and comfortable. Comfortable. That is something God doesn't allow me to do for too long before He comes and shakes things up.

As I was praying and seeking God for understanding and answers, He reminded me that He doesn't do things for us to understand or even for us to know the reason why. All we need to do is put our complete and total trust in Him and to have faith (yes the size of a bungee jump!).

-Friday, the last day of the first week of school I drove to work still a little confused but more optimistic about what was to come. I prayed and asked God for direction and peace in my situation. When I finished my prayer I turned on the radio and the song that was playing was Donald Lawrence's The Best Is Yet to Come. This was a welcome comfort to my concerns that were still looming in mind. After that song went off I turned the station to the Gospel channel and guess what song was playing...The Best is Yet to Come. All I could do was shack my head and smile as I listened to the encouraging words. As that song came to an end I turned to V103 for the Inspirational Vitamin. I caught the end of the brief message, but I was just in time for the worship song...The Best is Yet to Come. At this point, I looked up to heaven with a huge smile and proclaimed to out loud, "Ok Lord, I hear you loud and clear!" I knew that God was sending me comfort and encouragement for my situation. I was so blessed to have a great school, supportive staff members, and bright, amazing students for my first real teaching experience. So anything that will follow this can only get better!

I may never know why God is moving me but I do know that I will be a teacher no matter where I am. The building does not matter. All that matters is my passion to inspire and educate children and the mission God has placed in my heart. I just need to close my eyes and fall into His arms because the BEST is yet to come!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Things I will miss about South Africa...

1. The People (they are so kind and warm)
2. The scenery (It still takes my breath away. It looks like a painting on the sky...God is amazing!)
3. Kingswood (I loved my school, the people, and children. I will miss everyone so much!)
4. The trees
5. Grahamstown (many people come to SA and never see this little town! But I love it!)
6. The exchange rate (R7 to $1...enough said)
7. Restaurants give you REAL portion sizes!!! (I can order pasta or a salad and actually finish it in the restaurant! )
8. Milo Milkshakes!!! (I was a little skeptical about Milo before I tried it...but now I will miss it so much!)
9. Walking everywhere (yes its true I will miss this because it did amazing things for my figure!)
10. Prof. Baxen (she is an amazing person!!! I want to be like her when I grow up!)
11. Cape Town (everything about Cape Town I love!!! I could live there!)
12. Animals (I loved being able to see the animals in their natural habitat and not behind a cage!)
13. Movie Theater (one movie cost R24 which is roughly $3.50...enough said)
14. Rugby (Didn't think I would like it but its pretty cool to watch!)
15. Lebone Center and the kids (I loved working at this center! These children changed my life in so many ways!)
16. Going to Chapel twice a week (I loved being able to freely express my faith while at school!)

More to come!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bungee Jump "Faith" and Zip Line "Trust"

One week left in South Africa. 7 days left to breath the crisp air of the South African Eastern Cape. Just enough time to learn a few more life lessons and have a few more adventures!

A few months ago I took the BIG leap of faith (literally and spiritually). I left the comfort of my home, school, family, and country to come 3,000+ miles to a foreign land all by myself. I put aside my fears and reservations and decided to seize the moment that God had offered me to change, grow, and have the adventure of a lifetime. Since taking that first big step I have not looked back on my footprints with regrets or disappointments. I know God has placed me in this place in this particular season in my life to bring me to the next level of teaching, learning, and living. But He wasn't through with me yet.

Two months ago I took an even bigger leap of faith...more like jump off of a 216 meters or 708 feet high bridge. Crazy? No, just unwilling to come all of this way and still live in a bubble. So I did it. I bungee jumped from the world's highest commercial bungee jump. I took that jump of faith to symbolize the jump of faith I took to get to South Africa and the other faith jumps I plan to take the rest of my life. No longer will fear prevent me from living my dreams, living in my purpose, or doing the impossible. God has shown me what I can do with Faith the size of a mustard seed, so just imagine what you can do with Bungee Jump Faith!

But He still wasn't through with me yet. Yesterday I visited Tsitsikamma Canopy Tours which is a zip line tour situated in the canopy of the indigenous rainforest filled with Yellow wood Trees which are South Africa's oldest and tallest trees. You glide on 10 slides to 10 platforms as you explore the animals and beautiful yellow wood trees of the forest. This tour for me was not just about exploring the rain forest 30 meters in the air suspended on a wire, it was about trust. A trust tour to be exact. After taking the initial jump of faith and making the decision to live in my purpose instead of being afraid of it, I had to practice a lot of trust while God moved me from place to place in life. My guide for the canopy tour explained how harness works to keep you attached to the line as you slide from one platform to the other. There is the main attachment that is connected to your chest and to the line. This is strong enough to carry you from platform to platform without letting you go. But that is not the only place you are securely attached. There is a backup harness attached to the main attachment just in case the weight you need a little more to support your weight. But there is still another harness that is attached to a backup line above you in case the other two are not enough. My guide told me that in the 8 years they have been open and operating, there has never been a time when they had to need or use that third harness. The main has never let them down.

I began to think about this system as the zip lines kept getting higher off the ground and faster, and I realized that if I didn't trust that these harnesses would hold my weight as I glided across the line then I would have never experienced the incredible feeling of flying through the trees of South Africa. Trust. I needed to have an enormous amount of this stuff. I know that sometimes (ok lets be honest...) MANY times in my life I have had faith in God but I forgot to trust that He would keep me and do what He said He would do. After facing my fears and taking the first step I forgot to trust in Him that He would guide every other step after that one.
I must admit when the guide told me that the zip lines would get higher and faster as we went through the forest, I can't say that a few little nervous butterflies entered my stomach. But I put my trust in these three metal attachments to hold my weight and keep me from falling. So if I can put my trust in a piece of metal, then why is it so hard to trust God?

Hasn't He proven many many times that He is trustworthy? Yes. Has He ever let me down before? No. So why when God says that He will do something, I begin to doubt and worry that He won't come through for me???
God showed me through this amazing experience of zip lining that if I just trust Him with everything He will guide me and help me arrive safely on the other side. If I start getting a little nervous I don't have to worry because He has some backups ready to step in and give me a little extra support. If you are not familiar with His 'backups' their names are Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are all working together to ensure that you and me arrive safely on the other side of the storm, hard situation, or zip line of life. If we just put our trust in Him we will fly!

At a point in our journey through the forest, our guide let us know which lines are a little slower so we can take our time and enjoy the scenery. We could look down and around at the beauty of the forest around us. At first, I was a little nervous (again) but I didn't want to miss the wonderful beauty of God's creation. So on the slower lines, I opened my eyes wide. Looked down at the forest floor; looked up at the blue sky and sun peeking through the trees at me. Smiled and realized that I was flying high with the birds surrounded by the magnificent forest. I could hear God whispering to me through the rustle of the leaves, "If only you trusted me like this with your whole life..."

"My whole life, Lord..." that is certainly easier said than done. But just think if you and me trusted God with our careers, school, finances, families, relationships, and anything else that we hold on to so tightly in order to have complete control. If we trusted God with all of those things, we could actually begin to really enjoy life! We could live life from a completely different perspective than ever before. Soaring through the trees with the birds. Flying. Enjoying living and the people in our lives instead of always stressing and worrying. Yes easier said than done, but don't worry. He hasn't failed me (you) in the 21 years of operation!